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Producing Fun 19: Mike Bonet - Podcaster

Producing Fun is a podcast about making tabletop games from a product perspective. Mike Bonet has been podcasting about games for 14 years. 300 episodes in, he’s a seasoned interviewer who knows how to get the best out of his various game designer guests. This week we talk about all things game podcasting: how to listen effectively, how to get interviewed by a podcast and how he inspired me to pick up the microphone. Website: on Youtube: on podcasting platforms:  Transcription James 00:00Hi I'm James, and this is Producing Fun, a podcast about making games from a product perspective. Welcome to Producing Fun. My guest this week is Mike Bonet a game podcaster based in New York. Mike has...

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Producing Fun 18: James Faulkner & Paul Allen - Publishers & Designers

Producing Fun is a podcast about making tabletop games from a product perspective.  Stonesword Games’ latest title - The feudal Japan themed Senjutsu - hit Kickstarter with a bang last year, raising around one million pounds. This week, I talk to the company’s two founders - James Faulkner and Paul Allen - about how they achieved this success, from beyond-diligent historical research, endless testing and focusing on the power of good advertising over the world of BGG and content creators. Senjutsu late pledge: Daimyo, Battle For Japan Signup: (Game Designed by Martin Wallace, Launching Oct 2022) Listen on Youtube: Listen on podcasting platforms:   Transcription James 00:00Hi I'm James, and this is producing fun, a podcast about making...

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Naylor Games buys East Street Games

I'm delighted to announce that Naylor Games has acquired another UK game publisher: East Street Games. East Street Games' two published titles - Robot Royale and Mobsitters - will become part of our wider catalogue. The brand itself will become an imprint of Naylor Games. As an imprint, it will remain focused on the family-friendly small box games East Street had been building a strong reputation for: in UK retail and on the convention circuit. Our company's ambitious, flagship titles with high production values, will still carry the Naylor Games mark alone. I've always thought East Street Games' products are great (indeed when you play Robot Royale, you may notice a certain robot called the Terminaylor present in the game...). They...

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Producing Fun 17: Jay Cormier - Publisher & Designer

Producing Fun is a podcast about making tabletop games from a product perspective. Jay Cormier was already a successful designer, having multiple BGG top 1000 games to his name across a very wide variety of genres. 4 years ago he got into game publishing, launching Off the Page Games, a company producing games based on indie comic books. His first title - Mind MGMT - is already a smash hit. In this episode we get into how to run a profitable kickstarter, making clever manufacturing decisions and the power of branding. Listen on Youtube:   Listen on podcasting platforms: Transcription James 00:00Hi I'm James, and this is producing fun, a podcast about making games from a product...

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Producing Fun 15: Ulrich Blennemann - Game Publisher

Producing Fun is a podcast about making tabletop games from a product perspective.Uli is a publisher from Germany and the proprietor of indie label: Spielworxx. Specializing in challenging boutique games and German language versions of bigger commercial hits, Spielworxx has been delighting gamers since 2010. With almost 30 years of experience in the industry, Uli is an expert in running indie publishing businesses.  In this episode, we talk about how he selects games for localization, how his business model works, and more.      Uli’s website: on Youtube: on podcasting platforms:   Transcription     James 0:10 I'm James, and this is producing fun, a podcast about making games from a product perspective.Welcome to Producing fun. My guest this week...

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